Atlas of Florida
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255 lines
-- Movie scripts version 1.3 - 6/7/94
-- All scripts written by David May.
on startMovie
openXlib "PrintField XCMD"
openResFile "Atlas.rsrc"
readGlossary "Glossaries:3.0 glossary"
set the keyDownScript = "checkKey"
end startMovie
on stopMovie
closeXlib "PrintField XCMD"
closeResFile "Atlas.rsrc"
end stopMovie
on checkKey -- Checks for command-key combinations
global textOpen, currentOpen, textChannel
if (the key = "p") and (the commandDown) and textOpen then
if currentOpen <> 0 then set textChannel = currentOpen
put the castNum of sprite textChannel into theNum
printText theNum
end if
end checkKey
on setupText text,def -- This sets up the global variables and hides the proper channels
global textOpen, defChannel, textChannel -- when using a single popup text field and definition field
if (text=0) and (def=0) then
set textOpen=false
showChannel textChannel
showChannel defChannel
showChannel textChannel
showChannel defChannel
set textOpen = false
set textChannel = text
set defChannel = def
hideChannel textChannel
hideChannel defChannel
end if
end setupText
on multiText which -- This code handles multiple text fields on a page
global currentOpen, textOpen
if currentOpen = which then
hideChannel which
set currentOpen = 0
set textOpen = false
end if
if currentOpen <> 0 then hideChannel currentOpen
showChannel which
set currentOpen = which
set textOpen to true
end multiText
on readText filename -- Reads in a text file "fileName" into "the result"
set filename = the pathName & filename -- Use the pathname of the movie + the desired name
set file = FileIO(mNew, "read", fileName) -- Create a new instance of the FileIO XObject
if not objectp(file) then -- If the file couldn't be opened then exit gracefully.
return "" -- To do error checking, put a value in here
end if
set s = file(mreadfile) -- Use our new object to read in the file
file(mDispose) -- Dispose of our file object
if s <> "" then -- If there was any text in the file,
return s
return ""
end if
end readText
on writeText fileName, theField -- Writes out a text file containing the contents of "theField"
set file = FileIO(mNew, "?write", fileName)
if not objectp(file) then
return false
set s = the text of field theField
end if
end writeText
on printText theField -- Prints out the text field with castNum of "theField"
set aName = CallBackTracer(mNew)
SetCallBack PrintDoc, aName
--parameter strings
set PageHeader = ""
set container = the text of cast theField
set PrintDialogString = ""
set FontName = "times"
set FontSize = "12"
set BooleanSetUp = "true"
--command line
PrintDoc PageHeader, container, PrintDialogString, FontName, FontSize, BooleanSetUp
--this factory to bypass some message form the XCMD
factory CallBackTracer
method mNew
method mSendHCMessage x
method mSendCardMessage x
end printText
on readGlossary glossFile -- Reads in a glossary file into the global "gGlossary"
global gGlossary
readText glossFile
if (the result = "") then -- If an error occurred then,
alert "The glossary could not be found!" -- Display the appropriate error box.
put "" into gGlossary
put the result into gGlossary
return the result
end if
end readGlossary
on readDefinition def -- Reads in the definition "def" from disk and puts it in the def. field
global defChannel
put the castNum of sprite defChannel into defField
readText "Definitions:" & def
if (the result = "") then -- If an error occurred then,
alert "The definition " & quote & def & quote & " could not be found!"
put empty into field defField
return false
put the result into field defField
return true
end if
end readDefinition
on waitForMouse
repeat while (not the mouseDown) -- Loop until the mouse is clicked
end repeat
openXLib "Johnny.xobj" -- Use the XObject "Johnny" to flush the event queue
set myFlush=johnny(mnew) -- so that Director won't recieve the mouse click
closeXLib "Johnny.xobj"
end waitForMouse
on removePunc theWord -- Will strip out the characters in "puncMarks" from "theWord"
put ".!?,();:" & return & quote into puncMarks -- faster this way
put "" into newWord -- Initialize our variable
repeat with temp = 1 to (length(theWord)) -- Repeat for all characters in the word
if not (puncMarks contains (char temp of theWord)) then -- If the character isn't punctuation,
put char temp of theWord after newWord -- Copy it over to the new word
end if
end repeat
return newWord -- Return our new word, without punctuation
end removePunc
on toggleChannel which -- Toggle the visibility of channel "which"
puppetSprite which,true
set the visibility of sprite which to (not the visibility of sprite which)
puppetSprite which,false
end toggleChannel
on showChannel which -- Show the channel "which"
puppetSprite which,true
set the visibility of sprite which to true
puppetSprite which,false
end showChannel
on showAllChannels -- Show all channels
repeat with x = 1 to 48
puppetSprite x,true
set the visibility of sprite x to true
puppetSprite x,false
end repeat
end showAllChannels
on hideChannel which -- Hide the channel "which"
puppetSprite which,true
set the visibility of sprite which to false
puppetSprite which,false
end hideChannel
on clearCursors -- Will reset the cursor for all sprites to an arrow
repeat with x = 1 to 48
set the cursor of sprite x to 0
end repeat
end clearCursors
on clearCursor which -- Will reset the cursor for sprite "which" to an arrow
set the cursor of sprite which to 0
end clearCursor
on setCursors whichOnes, curs -- Will set the cursor of sprites "whichOnes" to a hand
-- Use the form "4,5,6" for whichOnes
repeat with x = 1 to (the number of items in whichOnes)
put integer(item x of whichOnes) into i
set the cursor of sprite i to 5
end repeat
end setCursors
on setCursor which, curs -- Will set the cursor for sprite "which" to a hand
set the cursor of sprite which to 5
end setCursor